David Rabadi: “How I Lost My Mind and Found Myself”

David Rabadi: “How I Lost My Mind and Found Myself”


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David Rabadi knows that courage doesn’t move mountains, but he can teach you how to climb them. He is deemed a hero in the LGBTQ Arab community as he is the first Jordanian to come out publicly as gay in Yonkers New York. Rabadi is an esteemed journalist, motivational speaker and author of “How I Lost My Mind and Found Myself.” 

His book deals with the stigma of mental illness and also letting people who identify as LGBTQ be who they are and be comfortable about it. We exchanged questions and answers regarding his book and his career.

What was your biggest challenge when writing your book?

My biggest challenge in writing my book was becoming comfortable with exposing very personal experiences I endured. I had to let go of the shame and guilt I felt. 

 What inspired you to write it?

I was inspired to write my book because growing up I didn’t have an examples of people that identify as LGBTQ living an out, proud and productive life. Also, I talk about having bipolar disorder and there is a big stigma with mental health and being Middle Eastern and gay. I wanted to share my story to inspire others to live their truth and not feel shame for it. 

 Who do you hope it reaches as far as an audience?

I hope to reach an audience of people that are looking for inspiration and looking to learn and grown within themselves. We live in a very judgmental society and I want to help educate and lessen the hate and violence. 

Do you recall the moment that changed the entire trajectory of your life?

The moment that changed the trajectory of my life is when I came out as gay. Before I came out, I lived a very suppressed life and I was in denial. I call it my “straight by day and gay by night” phase. I never imagined I would be able to live my truth. I am happy that I now live my truth and it’s so rewarding. 

As a journalist what and who do you enjoy writing about the most?

I enjoy writing about people’s journeys in life, their struggles and how they were able to overcome the obstacles that stood in their way. 

Where do you hope to be career wise in five years?

I would love to have my own talk show or podcast. 

 Tell us a little about David.

I am very open-minded person that is very easy going, non-judgemental and a lot of fun. I have learned to live in the moment and always look at the positive in every situation. 

What has been the best moment of your life thus far?

The moment that has left a remarkable and very touching moment for me is when my mom accepted me as her gay son and that she is proud to have me. We are all looking to be loved and in my opinion there is no greater love than a mother’s love. I am blessed. 

 What other works or projects are you currently engaged in?

I am currently turning my book “ How I Lost My Mind and Found Myself “ into a screenplay. I got a lot of great feedback from readers that all said it would make a great film. 

Get your copy of “How I Lost My Mind and Found Myself” by David Rabadi on Amazon today: 

The official website for David Rabadi may be found at https://www.davidrabadi.com

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