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Yes, it’s that time of year to look back and knock up your personal Top 3s, 5s and 10s as Game of the Year 2019 looms large. It’s been a great twelve months for Switch owners, with more games than we’ve had time to play, so whittling down just a few will be a hard task indeed.
Here at Nintendo Life, in addition to our staff selection which will go live in due course, we’re leaving it to you lovely readers to rate your favourite games and decide our Top 50 Switch games of 2019. You can use the tool below to search for your favourites, or alternatively head into our games database directly and peruse our library of Switch games for 2019.
To rate a game, simply click on the star below next to the corresponding title and give it a star score out of 10. We’ll when calculate all your ratings into a fluid, malleable list that is still influenced by User Ratings even once it’s live, meaning it’s an ever-changing reflection of Nintendo Life readers’ cumulative reckonings – and if something released between Christmas and the end of the year happens to be awesome, it still has the opportunity to feature. Nice.
So, feel free to get cracking reviewing the gems you’ve played this year. And remember to look back at the games released at the start of the year and give them the appropriate love! With the imminent arrival of 2020, we’re also asking for your votes for Nintendo Game of the Decade, so there’s no end of opportunities to stamp stuff with your own personal mark of approval.
Thanks for ‘voting’! We’ll reveal the results on Christmas Day, but until then we hope you’re enjoying the holidays. Happy gaming!