Loving My Addict: A Review by Son Gabriel Bower

Loving My Addict: A Review by Son Gabriel Bower


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Karen Bower’s book, “Loving My Addict: A Mother’s Journal”, is a positive mom’s prospective on the trials and tribulations she went through having that one son a hair when use of the two. Her mission is to reach families dealing with the situation, to help answer their questions, to make them aware that all is not lost and that there are positive ways to move forward even under the most devastating situations. 

Gabriel Bower, her son had been using heroine. He is clean now and has written a review of his mom’s book. I felt that it was important to publish his viewpoint on the book because of his experiences with heroin.

Review by Gabriel Bower:

After reading the book my mother has put together I truly can say it is hard to finish the book without tears coming to my eyes. From start to finish she pulls the memories from our lives that stand out the most. Truth is there is so much more to the story which any parent that has gone through something similar would understand. I am very proud of my mother for having the strength to write this book and put it in to words. Anyone who reads this book will be touched especially if you or someone you love has suffered from addiction. 

Loving my addict is more than just a book it is a reality so much of us go through.  Reading this book will help you understand it is okay to love your family unconditionally no matter what they are going through in life. I would recommend not only that you read this book but that you pass it to the next person to read as well. The fact is addiction is something everyone wants to swipe under the rug and not address. If this is you or has been you it will help you cope with the stress, depression, and anxiety you live or have lived with for what seems like an endless amount of time. If you have not been in this situation it will still enlighten you on what someone you know has to deal with.

I look forward to the next chapter of this story and I believe it will be even more inspiring than what she has wrote in this first book. I would look at this book as setting up the situation my mother and so many others have went through. With more ups and downs coming I hope whoever reads this review will stay tuned for what is to come and that this would broaden peoples knowledge on addiction and everyone it reaches beyond the addict themselves.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 – Gabriel Bower

“Loving My Addict: A Mother’s Journey”  by author Karen Bower is now available and can be ordered on Amazon here:


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