WASHINGTON — The Federal Aviation Administration released Oct. 15 the final version of updated commercial launch and reentry regulations, although those in industry say the regulatory reform process is far from over. The FAA released the final version of its Streamlined Launch and Reentry Licensing Requirements, or SLR2, regulations on its website, with formal publication
Marvel’s Helstrom is now streaming on Hulu and fans are anxious to see what Marvel Television has cooked up for the Halloween season. Most of the MCU fandom hasn’t known what to make of the first truly scary production from the company. Everything about Helstrom seems to distance itself from everything else that has come
It was clear from the opening scene – an atomic view of the replicator creating Burnham’s new uniform from pure energy – that Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 Episode 4 was going to be a visual feast of stunning effects, gripping action, and epic scale. From the 3-D mirror function to our first glimpse of the Discovery’s
Donna Langley, chairman of Universal Filmed Entertainment Group, and Ann Sarnoff, chair and CEO of Warner Bros had the same reaction Thursday when asked if their companies had any interest in buying movie theaters. They laughed. “We have no plans to do that currently,” Langley said, appearing with Sarnoff and CBS CEO George Cheeks on
WASHINGTON — NASA is planning a hotfire test of the core stage of the Space Launch System in the middle of November, a schedule it says keeps it on track for its first launch late next year. During an Oct. 13 media teleconference, officials with NASA, Boeing and Aerojet Rocketdyne said they are making good
Remember when making an “edgy” game didn’t mean adding Godsmack to the soundtrack of your swashbuckling 9th century Persian fantasy, or painting Sonic the Hedgehog black and giving him a gun? Hotshot Racing remembers. In this endearingly vibrant and deliberately primitive 3D aesthetic it means octagonal wheels, chunky environments, and plenty of pointy bits and
SAN FRANCISCO – Orbital Sidekick is speeding up its campaign to build and launch a constellation of six hyperspectral imaging satellites thanks to a $16 million U.S. government contract announced Oct. 15. The government funding, which Orbital Sidekick matched with private investment, comes from the U.S. Air Force commercial investment group AFVentures’s Strategic Financing program
As the exhibition industry teeters, global cinema owners beseeched New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to reopen theaters in areas of the state with low infection rates. The response was not promising. The executive committee of the Global Cinema Federation — led by Alejandro Ramirez Magaña, CEO of Cinépolis, in a letter to the governor Wednesday,
The moment is nearly upon us – the release of the demo for Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory, the first rhythm action game set in the beloved Kingdom Hearts universe. We’re pleased to share some details about what’s in store. Included are six tracks from the game’s massive library of over 140 songs, collected from