JioBharat 4G feature phone prices have been dropped, ahead of the upcoming Diwali festival. The telecom operator’s feature phones with 4G connectivity are currently available for Rs. 699, down from their usual price of Rs. 999, as part of the operator’s ongoing JioBharat Diwali Dhamaka offer. Announced on Saturday, the new offer will let 2G phone users
As long as humankind endeavors to play games on PCs, it’s the eternal question: What’s my frame rate, in frames per second (fps)? We want to know because we spent all this money on our hardware. Although a game might feel fluid, we want to know the exact number. For example, if we’re right at
As long as humankind endeavors to play games on PCs, it’s the eternal question: What’s my frame rate, in frames per second (fps)? We want to know because we spent all this money on our hardware. Although a game might feel fluid, we want to know the exact number. For example, if we’re right at
Infinix should stop using the Zero moniker for their phones because, honestly, their phones are not what they used to be. The new Infinix Zero 40 5G is not a zero. The phone, at a starting price of Rs. 27,999, offers a lot of features. Infinix also claims that the Zero 40 5G is the
Epic Pictures’ specialty horror label, DREAD, presents Beezel, the tale of a sinister secret hiding beneath the floors of a cursed New England home. Beezel is now available to rent or purchase on video-on-demand (VOD). Beezel was written by horror filmmaking duo Social House Films, composed of writer/director Aaron Fradkin and writer/star Victoria Fratz Fradkin. The duo’s previous
Tyler, the Creator has shared another new video as the release of his new album, Chromakopia, inches closer. Following clips for “St. Chroma” and “Noid” and promotional videos for the Chromakopia vinyl LP and tour, he’s released a new, self-directed video titled “Thought I Was Dead.” Watch it below. Chromakopia arrives on Monday, October 28,
WASHINGTON — A member of the Crew-8 mission hospitalized for an unspecified medical issue after splashdown has been released after an overnight stay, NASA said Oct. 26. In a statement, NASA said the astronaut, whose identify has not been disclosed, was released from Ascension Sacred Heart Pensacola hospital after an overnight stay. “The crew member
My Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. “The Vampire Killers!” High up in the Carpathian Mountains, the villagers of a small outpost community have captured the Frankenstein Monster. Now, as the creature stands tied to a stake, the purifying flames set by fear and bigotry crawl closer to his necrotic skin. Blind anger begins
If you ask someone like me, who’s really into the Yakuza/Like A Dragon games, why you should play the Yakuza/Like A Dragon games, fairly early on in the process there’s a good chance they’ll end just defaulting to grabbing you by the lapells and in their best husky Kiryu voice saying something like: ‘Look, just
The work of award-winning actor and comedian Jenny Slate—whether her stand-up comedy, voice performances (Bob’s Burgers, The Great North), acting (Parks and Recreation, It Ends With Us), or beloved Marcel the Shell With Shoes On multimedia universe—leaves an indelible impression. Unsurprisingly, the prolific creator’s first memoir-in-essays, 2019’s Little Weirds, had the same effect thanks to
The art of the movie tagline is a slippery business. The right phrase can make the perfect tantalizing teaser, but the wrong words can undersell or even spoil the picture. Very few films have been so eloquently encapsulated as Brian De Palma’s Body Double, advertised with just six simple words: “You can’t believe everything you
Beyoncé made an appearance tonight at Vice President Kamala Harris’ Rally on Reproductive Rights, which took place in the musician’s hometown of Houston, Texas. Introduced by her mother, Tina Knowles, Beyoncé appeared onstage alongside her former Destiny’s Child bandmate Kelly Rowland to introduce the Democratic presidential nominee. “H-Town,” the singer began, “we are so happy