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With all the love Marvel Legends has been giving comic book and Disney+ characters lately, fans of primarily the now-classic Infinity Saga Marvel movies may be feeling a bit left out. But Hasbro has a remedy for that—a new full wave of 8 Marvel Legends Infinity Saga figures! Even so, this assortment is likely to draw the ire of many long-time collectors. Old favorite characters like Iron Man Mark II, Stealth Captain America, Bruce Banner and Winter Soldier Black Widow are back up for order today at 1PM EST—but they may look a lot like previous versions of the characters…
While the Infinity Saga Legends lineup initially seemed focused on giving fan’s characters from the MCU that were missed the first time around, this year’s wave clearly serves as a sort of “Best of Marvel Studios” collection, bringing back an octet of figures from the past with few (or in some cadres zero) apparent changes:
—Iron Man Mark II (Iron Man)
—Iron Man Mark 46 (Civil War)
—War Machine (Civil War)
—Stealth Captain America (The Winter Soldier)
—Bruce Banner (Avengers)
—Thor (The Dark World)
—Spider-Man (Civil War)
—Black Widow (The Winter Soldier)
If you’re feeling a sense of deja vu, it’s probably because this wave is built almost entirely out of old action figures. New heads for Thor and Bruce banner seem like the big new prizes here, although there may be some other little bits of new tooling included that my half-blind eyes are missing.
I know a lot of collectors are going to decry this set because they would have preferred fresh characters such as Kurse, Malekith, The Ancient One or The Warriors Three, but I’m actually pretty okay with this wave being what it is: a way to get key characters back into circulation for new fans and collectors.
Sure, Hasbro has the tooling to make a great Civil War Black Widow down the road—but that can anchor a wave that’s not otherwise mostly rereleases.
Marvel Legends Bruce Banner and Iron Man Mark 2 have never been easily available by themselves, and the rest of the reissues in the wave coming to stores may reach fans who would simply not be looking on the aftermarket for them. Anything with a chance to build the collector base and keep Marvel Legends strong gets a thumbs up from me, even if I won’t be ordering this wave myself.
That said, I think Stealth Captain America and Civil War Spider-Man were both movie figures that badly needed updating, so it’s a bummer seeing them here using the same old inadequate bucks. Hopefully these versions of these MCU characters are on Hasbro’s short list to redo!
The 2023 Marvel Legends Infinity Saga figures wave goes up for order today at 1PM EST and is expected to ship out within the next 2-3 months. Will any of these returning favorites be joining your collection, Marvel collectors?