Psychological Horror Title ‘Decarnation’ Arrives May 31, Features Music From ‘Silent Hill’ Composer Akira Yamaoka [Trailer]


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We could always use more output from Akira Yamaoka, and we don’t have to wait for Slitterhead or the upcoming Silent Hill 2 remake to get it. Developer Atelier QDB’s upcoming psychological horror title Decarnation, which features music from Yamaoka, will be arriving on the Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam on May 31.

Alongside publisher Shiro Unlimited, Atelier QDB announced that Decarnation will feature 10 tracks from the composer.

“I am delighted to have been able to take part in Decarnation‘s development, which draws its inspiration from works that are extremely dear to me, such as Moju: The Blind Beast by Edogawa Rampo,” said Yamaoka. “It is one of my favorite novels and has inspired many of my personal creations. In many ways, Decarnation reminds me of this work, and I have developed a special connection with this game. I sincerely hope that players will enjoy it as much as I do!”

Inspired by iconic 2D adventure-horror games and cult movies from the likes of David Lynch, and mangas from Junji Ito, Decarnation is a story-driven horror game featuring a mix of more than fifteen different types of gameplay, each adapted to the main character’s situation and state of mind.

The story takes place in Paris, 1990. Gloria is at the end of her rope. A struggling cabaret dancer dealing with the fraying of her relationships, career, and self-esteem, she takes on a new artistic endeavor sponsored by a mysterious benefactor. Would the generous proposal be Gloria’s lucky break, or something worse?

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