Biden Can End Global Warming

Biden Can End Global Warming

Science, Tech

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President Joe Biden has committed to reviving the American economy using green energy.  Says former New York State governor David Paterson, “Space solar power is exactly what President Biden is looking for.  Space solar power is the green new deal.”

Explains Howard Bloom, founder and chair of the Space Development Steering Committee. “Joe Biden can end the man-made contribution to global warming completely by harvesting solar power in space and transmitting it to earth, the process called space solar power.”

What do Governor Paterson and Bloom mean?  Space solar power can: 

  • eliminate all technological contributions to global warming
  • eliminate all man-made emissions of greenhouse gases.  
  • eliminate all use of fossil fuel for energy production.  And, says Bloom,
  • “According to my late collaborator in space solar power advocacy, Dr. APJ Kalam, the eleventh president of India, space solar power can lift two billion people out of poverty.”

China has vowed to own the space solar power industry by 2035.  China already has its first factory dedicated entirely to space solar power components.  Says Bloom,  “The nation that owns space solar power will own the earth.  And will dictate this planet’s governing values. We want that nation to be the USA.”

Space solar power has a noble heritage.  It was originally proposed by Dr. Peter Glaser in 1971.  It was advanced by Princeton’s Gerard O’Neill in the early 1980s.  It was supported in the early 2000s by Buzz Aldrin and the man who invented the Apollo Program’s lunar lander, Hubert Davis.  And it’s been moved forward since then by figures like 25-year NASA veteran John Mankins, the Naval Research Lab’s Paul Jaffe, and Northrop Grumman, which has a $100 million contract with the Air Force Research Lab to build a working space solar power satellite.  In addition, space solar power has been supported by figures from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense’s National Security Space Office, and the National Space Society.

The technology for space solar power is well-known.  Explains Bloom, “We’ve been harvesting solar power in space and transmitting it to earth since 1962, when the first commercial satellite went up.  That satellite, Telstar, was encrusted with solar panels.”

Today solar power harvested in space and transmitted to earth is the backbone of a $400 billion dollar business—the satellite telecommunications industry. Says Bloom, “Space solar power is the future of energy.  The country that leads in space solar power should be America.  And it should be America under Joe Biden.”


The Space Development Steering Committee was founded at the urging of Buzz Aldrin in 2005 by author and scientific thinker Howard Bloom. Members have included Aldrin, the sixth man on the moon Edgar Mitchell, designer of the Apollo Program lunar lander Hubert Davis, and participants from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, NASA, Boeing, Northrup Grumman, and the National Space Society.



Jaffe, P. et al. Naval Research Laboratory, Opportunities and Challenges for Space Solar for Remote Installations, NRL/MR/8243–19-9813, October 21, 2019,

Report to the National Security Space Office, Space-Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, October 10, 2007,

John C. Mankins, Final Report to NASA and NIAC, SPS-ALPHA: The First Practical Solar Power Satellite via Arbitrarily Large Phased Array (A 2011-2012 NASA NIAC Phase 1 Project), September 15, 2012,

Solar Power Satellites – a Space Energy System for Earth, Ed: Dr. Peter Glaser et al., Wiley-Praxis, Chichester and New York, 1998.

National Space Society Library on Space Solar Power,

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