Month: January 2020

Oh, fanfiction! How I love you, my guilty little pleasure! It is the ultimate outlet for all of my pent-up frustration for What If? and But What About? For Percy Jackson fans, the official Universe is ever-expanding; there are a plethora of opportunities to explore alternate universes or vignettes between books. That’s where the best
Hollywood’s unofficial wake-up call came on February 1, 2013, when Netflix dropped the first season of House of Cards in a single, binge-able chunk. While that distinctive release pattern hasn’t yet become the official norm — many new rivals to Netflix insist on the traditional episode-at-a-time approach — the whole gestalt of the show signaled
Dawn of X connecting variant Credit: Mark Bagley (Marvel Comics) Credit: Marvel Studios Greetings, ‘Rama readers! With 2019 in the rear view mirror, it’s time for our end-of-the-year tradition with the Best of Best Shots 2019! It’s been a big year for the comics industry, with Marvel wrapping up its long-running arc in the Marvel