Capcom registers trademarks for Dino Crisis, Bionic Commando and dozens of other classic series


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By Sherif Saed,
Wednesday, 18 December 2019 16:07 GMT

Capcom has gone on a bit of a trademark registration spree.

Capcom has filed for trademark registrations in Japan for many of its classic franchises. The list, uncovered by Chizai Watch, includes names like Dino Crisis, Vapire (Darkstalkers), Bionic Commando and many more.

As you can see, these are all game franchises that haven’t seen a new release in years. This is what makes it hard to believe Capcom is working on new entries in these series, as it’s more likely your typical ownership maintenance publishers do with their dormant IPs.

That’s not to say Capcom is definitely not working on reviving some of those classics. The publisher has been re-energised by the recent success of Resident Evil 2 Remake, so we may very well get a similar revival for those games.

Thanks, Event Hubs.

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